Make Your Own Unemployment Check

In a time of unemployment you want to save money, cut back on spending, and find
additional ways to put extra money in your pocket. If you're currently unemployed and still waiting for or receiving unemployment benefits, you can make extra money in your free time by doing Free Surveys Online. This will help you bring in extra income to help you make ends meet. Instead of letting the free time you have go to waste, use it to earn money at home.
This is a great way to bring in money and it won't jeopardize your unemployment check. Just spend a few hours a day taking free surveys online, and at the end of the month you will get a check for a few hundred dollars. The best part is, it's Free, it costs you nothing.Sign Up

Here is a picture of what your check will look like:
free unemployment money

Click on the Banner below to get Started:

Unemployment Numbers Highest Since 1983

On the eve of this labor day weekend, the traditional last blast of summer most American's hoping to get away or last least kick back a bit over the next 3 days and yet fewer and fewer people can afford to do even that. The labor situation has just gotten worst, over two hundred thousand more jobs were lost in the month of August 2009. The unemployment rate officially now at 9.7%, that's the highest in twenty six years in this country. Now the so call real unemployment rate that includes those who have given up looking for full time work is almost 17% more accurately.

It's really tough out there, it's the hardest that its ever been in three decades to find a job. And there is no place to hide, it doesn't matter what sector you work in, other than healthcare and education, those are the only two that faired well, pretty much everything else got hit. Across the United States, there is no state in which to hide, almost all the major states has high unemployment rates.

Unemployment Survival Strategies

So you've been given the slip, the pink slip. Take a deep breathe and do the following:

You will need:
  1. Unemployment Application
  2. Job Posting Sites
  3. revenue Streams- ways to bring in Money

Step 1 - If you haven't already, apply for unemployment, even if you don't think your are eligible. Studies show that people who are entitled to the right don't even apply.

Step 2 - Investigate benefits that may be available to you in addition to unemployment, like Food Stamps from the United States department of Agriculture. See Also check home heating assistance from the low income home energy assistance program.

Step 3 - Look for creative ways to slash monthly expenses, like raising the deductibles on your insurance policies. If you're a two car family, get rid of one car until your back on your feet.
Stop buying food until your finish what you have, you can probably live off the contents of your cupboards and fridge for a few weeks without spending a dime.

Step 4 - Consider ways to bring in money that won't affect your unemployment check, like doing Free Surveys Online or selling what you can part with on Ebay.

Step 5 - When you're unemployed finding a job is your job, put in full days scouting leads and sending out resumes. Also try to get out of the house, make it a point to get some fresh air and exercise everyday.

Step 6 - Think about what skills you have that might translate to another field. Consider making yourself more employable by updating your expertise through courses or training or by learning a new skill.

Step 7 - Try signing up with a temp agency, many of the positions lead to full time employment and in the mean time you will be earning about $12.00 a hour and perhaps learning new skills that will help you with your job search. Volunteer work is another route to consider, it sometimes leads to paid employment.

Step 8 - Watch out for signs of depression, like letting your personal hygiene slip or sitting in front of the TV all day.

Unemployment Check

Ever wonder what an unemployment check looks like. Here is a photo of an unemployment check, this is what it would look like if you were to get one:

unemployment checks

Unemployment Benefits

unemployment moneyThe American economy goes through economic cycles and every so often the country falls into a recession. Millions are unemployed and jobs are scarce, twenty six weeks of unemployment benefits runs out far too quickly. it's a hard time for everyone and consumer confidence drops significantly. The American government have tried to boost the economy with one time Stimulus Checks and Stimulus Programs like Cash for Clunkers.

Even if you do get a job, you will most likely be "Under-employed", you will end up with a part time job. But you can easily make extra money while looking for a job, by doing Free Surveys Online. Click here for more info.

How to Apply for Unemployment

The bad news is you've lost your job, the good news is you might be eligible to collect unemployment benefits. You will need Eligibility for unemployment benefits and a Claim to file.

Step 1 - Find your state unemployment insurance benefits office, just enter the name of your state along with "Unemployment Insurance" into a search engine such as Google or Yahoo. So if you live in New York, you would type in "New York Unemployment Insurance".

Step 2 - See if you're eligible to file a claim, rules vary from state to state but basically you could not have quit your job or been fired for cause. How long you were employed,how many hours per week, how much you earned, and your basic work history are also taken into account.

Step 3 - Apply for the benefits per the site's instructions. These days you can register online, be sure to have your social security number handy as well as your former employer's address and phone number. Note if you're collecting social security or pension, that may reduce your unemployment payments.

Step 4 - If you're deemed eligible to collect unemployment and begin receiving checks, make sure you preserve you're eligibility by following your state's rules. Generally that means you must report any money you earn on the side, you must be actively seeking full time employment, and you cannot turn down a suitable job offer.
if you are denied benefits you may file an appeal.

Step 5 - if you are curious about how much money you're entitled to in weekly benefits payments, go to the Economic Policy Institute weekly benefit amount calculator

Step 6 - Get a job before those checks stop coming in which is usually after 26 weeks.

Umemployment Jumps - Job Losses Increase

The government confirms that many more people were joining the nation's unemployment lines recently. The pace of job loss accelerating giving the economic situation an increasingly ominous tone. Nearly 600,000 jobs were lost in January 2009, the unemployment rate rising to 7.6%, the highest since 1992. While the numbers are worst than expected, they follow the relentless series of layoff announcements.